Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Are You Capable Of Earning Big From Real Estate?

There are several shows on television that feature people buying properties and then flipping them after minor repairs. There is no denying this could be a lucrative proposition, but watch one of these television shows and observe how the only value shown is the potential income the house could make for the owners. The shows often leave out when and for how much the home sold for.

Nonetheless a lot of people counted among the world's richest began their careers in real estate. Little wonder why real estate investment is a big hit up to now. But what are some essential things you should know before jumping into real estate?

Understand the concept of market timing.

This means that you need to not only research how market cycles work, but that you need to sit back and watch them for yourself. We don't need to tell you that markets tend to fluctuate on a regular basis. Most successful investors are hardly interested in the whole fix 'n' flip scene which is so popular these days. They simply buy low, sell high - a fundamental concept in the world of investment.

Be conversant on the topic of crunching real estate figures.

You have to have a basic knowledge of the variables that are influencing your bottom line.

Real estate investing is generally divided into four distinct aspects, namely cash flow, appreciation, loan reduction and tax benefits. You need to understand how the four factors work together to produce a rate of return.

Real estate isn't as simplistic as making a profit if the property appreciates. Don't mistake it either as losing money automatically when the market is down.

Be familiar with your locale's economic conditions.

One of the challenges of this industry is being able to think out of the box - consider not just your neighborhood's growth, but also the figures pertaining to your city, state and country. For example, if interest rates are rising, you need to understand that borrowers are being cut out of the market.

The six aspects of economics you must understand are: mortgage interest rates, affordability indices, supply and demand, demographic information, commercial real estate and the job market.

If family time and work time allows, then macro and micro economic classes would comprehensively inform you to a great extent. If one studies macro, it would help the investor in further comprehending the real estate variables that we are powerless to change, such as national recessions and demographic changes, interest rates and even war and political strife. The study of micro would allow one more insight on the local side of real estate, which encompasses areas such as local unemployment, small-scale recessions, supply and demand, newly constructed houses and new houses for sale and new or existing housing vacancies.

If you want to really become a real estate investor, it is important to be informed and educated. Yes indeed, it is a science, and it goes beyond the proletariat, common man charm of simply fixing and flipping for profit. But if you plan to do this as an investment, you need to obtain the necessary education. Otherwise, you are gambling with your money.

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